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Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standa.rds

In response to the “Grade Medical” policy of the Department of Health and Welfare, Luodong Boai Hospital recently called on more than 40 representatives of medical institutions in Yilan County to participate in the medical cooperation alliance, and announced that the cooperation between them will be closer and the implementation will be transferred. The diagnosis mechanism makes medical resources more effective.

The Health and Welfare Department of Weifu has promoted the grading medical and two-way referral policies in recent years, hoping to make more effective use of medical resources. Luodong Boai Hospital pointed out that the hospital began to cultivate community care since the Republic of China in 1993, and is committed to creating a new medical industry structure "community medical satellite care model", which is a goalkeeper in the community as a family physician, for the health of the people. check.

So far, Pok Oi Hospital has formed an alliance with 63 grassroots institutions in the county. When the patient's condition changes, or when a precise examination is needed, the alliance clinic will refer the patient, and the professional medical team will take over, so that the medical care will not be interrupted. When the patient is stable, he or she will be discharged from the hospital. , refer patients to community and clinic physicians and continue to receive quality medical care. That is to say, if you have a small illness, you will go to the hospital for serious illness, so as to make full use of medical resources and benefit more people.

On June 24th, Pok Oi Hospital held a special "Medical Good Alliance Alliance" event, including Liu Jianting, Director of Yilan County Government Health Bureau, Lin Wangzhi and Jiang Jiliang, Executive Director of Yilan County Medical Association, and Xu Ziwen, CEO of Luodong Pok Oi Hospital. Vice Presidents of Medicine Lu Jinde and Qiu Guoqin, together with 40 clinicians, flagged the implementation of the implementation of graded medical and two-way referrals, and cooperated to set sail.

Health Director Liu Jianting said that this medical good activity is the first of Yilan's, very important, the Health Bureau will continue to do a good job in the coordination role of the public sector, and it is expected that the graded medical treatment in Yilan County can do the best in Taiwan.

For example, Pui Ai Hospital, a 53-year-old Mr. Liu from Jiaoxi, often feels tired and breathless. Because of his busy schedule, he has time to take time off to see a doctor. He uses Luodong Pok Oi Hospital to visit a clinic in a community clinic. Seek medical attention, doctors found abnormalities, immediately scheduled to return to the hospital for cardiac ultrasound and 24-hour electrocardiogram examination, found that Mr. Liu vascular stenosis, emergency treatment, successfully prevent myocardial infarction, it is the best example of the effect of graded medical treatment .

Vice President Lu Jinde pointed out that grading medical treatment simplifies and improves the referral process for the public, and has established a two-way referral information platform to provide pre-registration referral number, patient movement query, physician expertise introduction, referral reply singular line through information system integration requirements. Inquiries and other functions, the number of referral services in 107 years has increased by 20% compared with last year. It shows that in cooperation, communication and understanding, everyone has taken a solid step together.

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